Comparaison entre des zones de pêche observées et estimées


Ce document fournit le script R et les données pour reproduire la comparaison entre les distributions spatiales de descripteurs observés et estimés (status de pêche, zones de pêche et intensité de pêche) pour une session de pêche à la drague au pétoncle noir comme illustré en figure supplémentaire S5 de Le Guyader (2017):

  • Le Guyader,D., C. Ray, F. Gourmelon, D. Brosset., (2017) - Defining high-resolution dredge fishing grounds with Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. Aquatic Living Resources. doi: 10.1051/alr/2017038

Les données et le code R de replication sont téléchargeables sur le dépôt Github:

Charger les paquets R

# ipak function from Steven Worthington: install and load multiple R packages.
# check to see if packages are installed. Install them if they are not, then load them into the R session.

ipak <- function(pkg){
    new.pkg <- pkg[!(pkg %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
    if (length(new.pkg)) 
        install.packages(new.pkg, dependencies = TRUE)
    sapply(pkg, require, character.only = TRUE)

packages <- c("sp", "raster", "rasterVis", "rgdal", "rgeos", "spatstat", "maptools", "SDMTools", "adehabitatLT", "trip", "mclust", "ggplot2", "plyr", "dplyr", "caret", "viridis", "grid", "gridExtra")
##           sp       raster    rasterVis        rgdal        rgeos 
##         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE 
##     spatstat     maptools     SDMTools adehabitatLT         trip 
##         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE 
##       mclust      ggplot2         plyr        dplyr        caret 
##         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE 
##      viridis         grid    gridExtra 
##         TRUE         TRUE         TRUE

Réaliser les analyses

1 - Importer les données et définir les paramètres

######## Fix the parameters ################

dtm <- 600  # maximimum duration allowed between 2 positions(in seconds)
lhsv <- 47  # grid size: here we use the grid size caculated (in metres)
# for the 2011-2012 season(see paper for details)
maille <- 50  # smoothing factor (in metres): idem (see paper for details) 

# Import data #######################

# GPS data for the variegated scallop fishing trip have been anonymized and 
# coordinates have been modified with a vectorial translation for confidentiality matters
td <- getwd()
pet <- read.csv2(file = paste0(td, "/data/DataTripOneAnon.csv"))
coordinates(pet) <- ~coords.x + coords.y  # To SPDF
proj4string(pet) <- CRS("+init=epsg:2154")
pet$time <- as.POSIXct(pet$time, tz = "UTC")  # set time to POSIXct format

## Create the clipping polygon from the AIS data extent (e: extent)
e <- extent(pet) + 2000
CP <- as(e, "SpatialPolygons")
proj4string(CP) <- CRS("+init=epsg:2154")

## Get coastline data and clip to data extent
land <- readOGR(dsn = paste0(td, "/data"), layer = "land")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "C:\Users\Damien\Documents\R\document\DLG_WEBSITE_ACADEMIC_EN-FR\Version_4\content\post\data", layer: "land"
## with 2617 features
## It has 2 fields
land <- spTransform(land, CRS("+init=epsg:2154"))
land <- gIntersection(land, CP, byid = TRUE)

## Get sea shape data and clip to data extent
sea <- readOGR(dsn = paste0(td, "/data"), layer = "sea")
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "C:\Users\Damien\Documents\R\document\DLG_WEBSITE_ACADEMIC_EN-FR\Version_4\content\post\data", layer: "sea"
## with 1 features
## It has 1 fields
sea <- spTransform(sea, CRS("+init=epsg:2154"))
sea <- gIntersection(sea, CP, byid = TRUE) 

2 - Estimer l’activité de pêche

## Function for data cleaning: time filter <- function(x, dtmax, analyse) {
  # Fonction to calculate ditance (dist) between consecutive points, time
  # duration (dt), mean speed (vmoy) and deletion according to dtmax x :
  # the SPDF dtmax: maximimum duration allowed between 2 positions(in
  # seconds), analyse: name of the metier (character string)
  df <- x
  # conversion to ltraj class
  d.ltraj <- as.ltraj(coordinates(df), df$time, id = paste(analyse))
  ld.ltraj <- ld(d.ltraj)  # ltraj to data.frame class
  df$dist <- ld.ltraj$dist
  df$dt <- ld.ltraj$dt
  df <- subset(df, !$dt))  # NA delete
  df <- subset(df, df$dt < dtmax)  ## dt>dtmax delete
  df$vmoy <- df$dist/df$dt  # Mean speed calculation
} <-, dtmax=dtm, analyse="Varieg. scall") 

densy <- densityMclust($vmoy)
densy$modelName  # Optimal model
## [1] "V"
densy$G  # Optimal number of cluster according to the BIC value
## [1] 4
CLUSTCOMBI <- clustCombi(densy)
# entPlot(CLUSTCOMBI$MclustOutput$z, CLUSTCOMBI$combiM, abc = 'normalized') 
## No elbow in the NDE value, so we get the optimal number
## of cluster according to the BIC value

## Final classification
yclust <- Mclust($vmoy, modelNames = densy$modelName, G = densy$G)
## We get G = 4 as we see no elbow in the NDE value

## Get classification values$CLUST <- yclust$classification

## Set classification (1) for estimated fishing positions and (0) for
## estimated non fishing positions given the selected cluster(s) <- function(x, minClus, maxClus) {
  # minClus: identifier for the minimum speed cluster (integer) maxClus:
  # identifier for the maximum speed cluster (integer)
  vmin.clust <- NULL
  max.clust <- NULL
  vmin.clust <- min(x$vmoy[x$CLUST == minClus])
  vmax.clust <- max(x$vmoy[x$CLUST == maxClus])
  x$estim <- 0  # default steaming
  x[x$vmoy >= vmin.clust & x$vmoy <= vmax.clust, "estim"] <- 1  # Fishing
  x$act_estim <- "NO"  # Steaming (i.e No Fishing)
  x[x$vmoy >= vmin.clust & x$vmoy <= vmax.clust, "act_estim"] <- "FISH"  # Fishing
  x$act_estim <- factor(x$act_estim)
} <-, minClus = 2, maxClus = 2)

rm(densy, CLUSTCOMBI, yclust)

confMat <- confusionMatrix(table($act_estim,$act_obs))  # Confusion matrix

3 - Identifier les zones de pêche

## Data preparation for observed fishing positions
val.obs <- subset(data.frame(, select = c(coords.x, coords.y, time, id, obs))
names(val.obs) <- c("x", "y", "date", "id", "statut")

## Data preparation for estimated fishing positions
val.est <- subset(data.frame(, select = c(coords.x, coords.y, time, id, estim))
names(val.est) <- c("x", "y", "date", "id", "statut")

## Preparation for trip format coercion <- function(x) {
  x %>% arrange(id, date) %>% 
    mutate(gap = c(0, (diff(statut) != 0) * 1)) %>% 
    mutate(group = cumsum(gap) + 1)

val.obs <- ddply(val.obs, .(id, as.Date(date)), .fun =
val.est <- ddply(val.est, .(id, as.Date(date)), .fun =

val.obs$mmsi <- val.obs$id
val.obs$id <- paste(val.obs$mmsi, as.integer(as.Date(val.obs$date)), val.obs$group, sep = "_")
val.est$mmsi <- val.est$id
val.est$id <- paste(val.est$mmsi, as.integer(as.Date(val.est$date)), val.est$group, sep = "_")

## Get only fishing positions
val.obs <- val.obs %>%
  filter(statut == 1) %>%

val.est <- val.est %>% 
  filter(statut == 1) %>%   

## Trip format calculation
lenst.obs <- tapply(val.obs$id, val.obs$id, length)
## Delete non-consecutives fishing positions
val.obs <- val.obs[val.obs$id %in% names(lenst.obs)[lenst.obs > 2], ]

lenst.est <- tapply(val.est$id, val.est$id, length)
val.est <- val.est[val.est$id %in% names(lenst.est)[lenst.est > 2], ]

## Observed fishing positions to trip format
coordinates(val.obs) <- ~x + y
proj4string(val.obs) <- CRS("+init=epsg:2154")
trip.obs <- trip(val.obs, c("date", "id"))

## Estimated fishing positions to trip format
coordinates(val.est) <- ~x + y
proj4string(val.est) <- CRS("+init=epsg:2154")
trip.est <- trip(val.est, c("date", "id"))

pet.est <- trip.est
pet.obs <- trip.obs
rm(trip.est, trip.obs, val.obs, val.est)

## Function to compute KDE line density <- function(fishTrip, sea, grid, h) {
  # fishTrip : fishing positions coerced to trip format sea: sea clip to extent of
  # data grid, h: grid size and smoothing factor
  # 1- Data preparation
  owin.sea <- as(sea, "owin")  # Window owin
  bif <- raster(sea, resolution = maille)  # Create template raster
  projection(bif) <- CRS("+init=epsg:2154")
  bif <- raster::mask(x = bif, mask = sea)
  # 2 - compute KDE line density
  t.obs <- fishTrip
  t.obs$jour <- as.Date(t.obs$date)
  vv.obs <- sort(unique(as.Date(t.obs$date)))
  psp.obs.tx <- as.psp(t.obs)  # coerce to psp format
  psp.obs.tx$window <- owin.sea  # affect owin
  # KDE line density
  dk.lx.obs <- density(psp.obs.tx, sigma = lhsv, dimyx = c(nrow(bif), ncol(bif)))
  dk.obs <- raster(dk.lx.obs)  # Raster conversion
  projection(dk.obs) <- CRS("+init=epsg:2154")

## Computation of KDE line density <- = pet.obs, sea = sea, grid = maille, h = lhsv) <- = pet.est, sea = sea, grid = maille, h = lhsv)

4 - Calculer l’intensité de pêche

## Function to compute the total fishing time spent per surface unit <- function(fishTrip, sea, grid) {
  # fishTrip : fishing positions coerced to trip format sea: sea clip to
  # extent of data grid size: see the paper
  owin.sea <- as(sea, "owin")  #Window owin
  bif.trip <- raster(sea, resolution = grid)
  bif.trip[] <- round(runif(nrow(bif.trip) * ncol(bif.trip)) * 100)
  bif.trip <- raster::mask(bif.trip, sea)
  bif.trip.grid <- as(bif.trip, "SpatialGridDataFrame") <- getGridTopology(bif.trip.grid)  # Create empty grid
  tripgrid <- tripGrid(fishTrip, grid =, method = "pixellate")  # compute time spent fishing
  time.t <- raster(tripgrid)
  projection(time.t) <- CRS("+init=epsg:2154")
  time.est <- raster::mask(time.t, sea)

## Calculation of the total fishing time spent per surface unit
pet.time.obs <- (fishTrip = pet.obs, sea = sea, grid = maille)
pet.time.est <- (fishTrip = pet.est, sea = sea, grid = maille)

5 - Procéder aux comparaisons avec l’indice de similarité de Warren

## Function for Warren's similarity index <- function(x, y) {
  # x and y are rasters obs and estim
  asc.est <- asc.from.raster(x)
  asc.obs <- asc.from.raster(y)
  # ensure all data is positive
  asc.est = abs(asc.est)
  asc.obs = abs(asc.obs)
  # calculate the I similarity statistic for Quantifying Niche Overlap
  I = Istat(asc.est, asc.obs)

## Get Values
pet.ground.eval <- (,
## [1] 0.9609129
pet.intens.eval <- (pet.time.obs, pet.time.est)
## [1] 0.9232937

6 - Créer la figure

basemap <- list("sp.polygons", land, fill = "gray90", col = "gray60", lwd = 1)
north <- list("SpatialPolygonsRescale", layout.north.arrow(type = 1), 
              offset = c(146100, 6835650), scale = 600)
scale <- list("SpatialPolygonsRescale",, scale = 1500, 
              offset = c(152600, 6831350), fill = c("transparent", "black"))
text1 <- list("sp.text", c(152600, 6831650), "0")
text2 <- list("sp.text", c(154000, 6831650), "1.5 km")

ext.x <- c(extent([1], extent([2])
ext.y <- c(extent([3], extent([4])

valKappa <- list("sp.text", c(152600, 6831650), 
                 paste0("Valeur Kappa = ", round(confMat$overall[2], 2)))

p1 <- spplot(, "act_obs", col.regions= c("red", 'transparent'),edge.col='grey80', 
             alpha=0.5,cex = 0.5,lwd=0.8,legendEntries = c("Pêche", "Non-Pêche"),
             sp.layout=list(basemap, north,scale, text1,text2),
             main = list(label="Actions Observées", 
                         font = 1,just = "left",x = grid::unit(5, "mm")))

p2 <-spplot(, "act_estim", col.regions= c("red", 'transparent'),edge.col='grey80',
            alpha=0.5,cex = 0.5,lwd=0.8,legendEntries = c("Pêche", "Non-Pêche"),
            sp.layout=list(basemap, valKappa),
            main = list(label="Actions Estimées", 
                        font = 1,just = "left",x = grid::unit(5, "mm")))

p3 <- levelplot(, xlim=ext.x,ylim=ext.y,margin=FALSE, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL,
                scales=list(draw=FALSE),col.regions = viridis, colorkey = list(space="bottom"),
                main=list(label="Zones de pêche observées", 
                          font = 1,just = "left",x = grid::unit(5, "mm")), 
                par.settings=list(fontsize=list(text=9))) +
  latticeExtra::layer(sp.polygons(land, fill= "gray90", col="gray50"))

p4 <- levelplot(,xlim=ext.x,ylim=ext.y, margin=FALSE, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL,
                scales=list(draw=FALSE),col.regions = viridis, colorkey = list(space="bottom"),
                main=list(label="Zones de pêche estimées", 
                          font = 1,just = "left",x = grid::unit(5, "mm")), 
                par.settings=list(fontsize=list(text=9))) + 
  latticeExtra::layer(sp.polygons(land, fill= "gray90", col="gray50")) +
  latticeExtra::layer(sp.text (c(152600,6831650), 
                               paste0("Indice de similarité I = ", round(pet.ground.eval, 2))))

p5 <- levelplot(pet.time.obs,xlim=ext.x,ylim=ext.y, margin=FALSE, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL,
                scales=list(draw=FALSE),col.regions = viridis, colorkey = list(space="bottom"),
                main=list(label="Intensité de pêche observée", 
                          font = 1,just = "left",x = grid::unit(5, "mm")), 
                par.settings=list(fontsize=list(text=9))) + 
  latticeExtra::layer(sp.polygons(land, fill= "gray90", col="gray50"))

p6 <- levelplot(pet.time.est,xlim=ext.x,ylim=ext.y, margin=FALSE, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL,
                scales=list(draw=FALSE),col.regions = viridis, colorkey = list(space="bottom"),
                main= list(label="Intensité de pêche estimée", 
                           font = 1,just = "left",x = grid::unit(5, "mm")), 
                par.settings=list(fontsize=list(text=9))) + 
  latticeExtra::layer(sp.polygons(land, fill= "gray90", col="gray50")) +
  latticeExtra::layer(sp.text (c(152600,6831650), 
                               paste0("Indice de similarité I = ", round(pet.intens.eval, 2))))

grid.arrange(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6, nrow = 3, ncol = 2,
             top= textGrob("Drague au pétoncle noir \n",gp=gpar(fontsize=12,font=2)))
Distribution spatiales des descripteurs observés (gauche) et estimés (droite) (status de pêche, zones de pêche et intensité de pêche) pour une session de pêche à la drague au pétoncle noir.

Figure 1: Distribution spatiales des descripteurs observés (gauche) et estimés (droite) (status de pêche, zones de pêche et intensité de pêche) pour une session de pêche à la drague au pétoncle noir.

Sur le même sujet