Dynamics of maritime activities: geographical and temporal information to support knowledge and scenarisation.
Grant: Fondation de France & National Research Agency (ANR-10-LABX-19-01)
Duration: 1,5 years (2013-2015)
Summary: The DACTARI project, proposed as part of the scientific activities of the Zone Atelier Brest-Iroise (CNRS - INEE) aims to answer several coastal sea management issues based on the construction of shared visions of current and future situations. It will provide unpublished knowledge concerning the unfolding of maritime activities, the simulation of scenarios according to stakeholders, as well as solutions for a facilitated appropriation of scientific productions by the local stakeholders by using the theoretical framework of complex systems modelling and the use of geographic information technology. Based on two complementary approaches (sectoral in Brest and multisectoral in the Iroise Sea), a Geographical and Temporal Information Base (BIG-T) will be built according to the specific objectives of two partners of the project: the local fisherman committee (CDPMEM29) and the Marine Natural Park of Iroise (PNMI). The partnership with a consulting company in geomatics applied to ICZM (Terra Maris) and with the Naval Research Institute in the field of computer science meets the need for transfer and valorisation of research productions to society.