Maritime trafic density (GT, 2022)


Maritime trafic density (GT, 2022)


TRAnsport maritime, Fréquentation portuaire et Inégalités environnementales dans les Caraïbes

Financements: Fondation de France - APR(2019)

Durée: 2 years (2020-2022)

Résumé: Trafic project. The TRAFIC project proposes research based on the use of AIS traceability to better understand the interactions between maritime navigation and the environment at two complementary scales, that of the marine areas traveled (Caribbean Basin) and that of the port areas frequented (French ports in the Antilles). .

The main hypothesis is that the ecological pressure exerted by maritime traffic depends on the one hand on its density and the characteristics of the ships (type, safety equipment, cargo) and, on the other hand, on the nature of the environments that he frequents: level of development of coastal States, maritime regulations, zones of presence of marine mammals, etc.

At the port scale, the project is interested in the use of ship-in-call data to test possible correlations with urban-port air quality, and to question the decision-making logics which govern the interactions between public governance and shipowning strategy.


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